Thursday, February 28, 2008

Catch 22

There are certain things in life that I don't think I will ever truely understand. Our school has been through many transitions in the past years. I have taught here for 6 years and have had 4 different principals. We have had a high turn over of teachers because of that during the past few years. I think there are only 8 people that have been at this school longer than me. Not only our teachers have changed but also our districting so we have a completely differnt student body than when I started here. We have quite a few "difficult" students from some very rough areas of our county.

Well this week we implemented a silent hallway policy. We decided that this was neccessary because of the noise levels in the halls, disrespect to teachers and to peers, general misconduct, fighting, bullying, you name it, it was going on during class changes. We had kids, teachers and parents all complaining of how bad the situation was getting. So we took action. We decided no talking would take place in the halls at all. Students are to walk silently on the right side of the hall to change classes.

Since this has happened, the teachers have already noticed improvements on how much instructional time we have regained, we have less problems in the hallways, there have been less fights, less disciplinary forms filed. We have enjoyed the quiet and ease of getting our students started in their lessons.

Well the same parents that were concerned with the bad behavior are now of the opinion that our actions are too harsh. That we are punishing the many for the few. I guess the fact that the complaints they had before are gone they need to complain about something new.

I don't know. I guess no matter what you do, whether it has good results or not, someone is going to be unhappy with your actions.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Home again, home again....

Well I made it home from FL, glad to be home but at the same time would love to be right back where I was last week. Of course as soon as I get home my sinuses flare up. So Saturday and Sunday are spent mostly in bed. (YUCK)

I had a wonderful time in Florida visiting with Dan, Anne and Jay. Brandon had such a wonderful time that he cried as we left the park. He asked if we could stay for another week. He also told me that he was glad he took lots of pictures of Ms. Anne and Mr. Jay because he was going to miss them a lot.

Some highlights of the trip....

Tuesday we went to Blue Springs. We were able to witness three manatee and one aligator in the wild. The park there is beautiful. The clear blue and green colors of the water make it seem as if you are in a truely magical place.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Middle School Style

Today is one of my most hated days to be at work. Not because of my feelings of this day, but because I work in a middle school. Most everyone comes into school with a smile, wearing some type of red or pink, bright colored bags of goodies for their friends and teachers. Then some time during the day, the madness begins.

There will be fights today. Some girl gave another girl's boyfriend a card. There will be tears today. Some guy gave a card to one girl but not the other. There will be disappointment and heartbreak. The counsellors office will be full of teary eyed girls and boys . Cupid's arrow will be all off target and they will all want to know why?

Why doesn't he like me? Why does he like her? Why doesn't she think I am the cute guy? Why do all the girls like him and none of them like me?

Then to top it off, at the end of the day all of the candy grams go out and more disappointment mixed in with the glee. All the flowers, balloons and stuffed animals that showed up in the front office will be delivered. The excitement is just too much for the middle school expectations.

Finally the bell will ring and all the emotional rollercoasters will head home. Why can't it just stay as simple as Spiderman Valentine's with a special tattoo attached?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was helping the mancub with his Valentine's last night. He was having a great time picking out the perfect little card for each of his classmates. You know the perfect Spiderman saying is a must to your best buds.

I started to remember his first Valentine's day in school. We went and got the Valentines. He signed his name but I put his friends names on all the cards. He was in K-4 at the time and so excited since there would be a party and fun to be had at school. He took those cards to school with such excitement to put them in the lunch bags they had decorated for the holiday. He got home that day and I must admit I was just as excited to look through all the cards he had recieved. Well we sat down poured out the bag and started looking at the huge number of cards he had. The first one was from Brandon (himself) The next one; him. The third one was from a class mate. I looked closer and half the cards were the same very cards that we sent to school that morning.

"Brandon, did you pass out your cards today?"

"Yes Mom, we had to"

"Well why do you have so many from yourself?"

"Mom, they just gave them back to me. The cards are mine they have my name one them."

This questioning went on for quite a while. He had given out all his cards but then went to each kid individually to get them back. And he convinced them all to do so. I had him take all the cards back to school and give them back to his friends.

We had a long talk about how the cards are for others and to show your friendship to them. I still laugh about that first experience for him.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Yippee! a milestone reached!!!

This morning was one of those hectic mornings when I really needed things to go as planned. But we all know what happens in these situations.

Mancub and I are brushing our teeth. He looks down and says "Mom, what is that?"
There was red in his toothpaste spit.
I said "looks like blood."
"UM, Mom, why is there blood?"
"Well let me see that loose front tooth."
In an excited voice, "Please Mom, don't knock my teeth out!"
"I am not going to knock your tooth out, just let me wiggle it."

Ok it is dangling just barely in his mouth. I think that has to come out before he goes to school. So I try to pull it. We go to the sofa screaming and kicking. "Please don't knock my teeth out Mom!!!" He is getting hysterical at this point. His mouth is shut tight, hands over his mouth, eyes closed tight, but still the screams are still making it through.

"ok, I give up," I say. " I have to put on my make up. You sit right there and wiggle that tooth until it comes out. Just twist it."
"Ok Mom, just don't knock it out."
"Ok I promise not to knock it out."

Practically two seconds later. "Oh Mom, here. That was easy."

Tooth is out, I don't have to worry about him eating it or having to worry about it at school. All is well in the world.

Until we get in the car, "Mom!!!! My gum is hanging down!!! The ones on the bottom didn't do that, what is wrong with it? Why did it do that? Did you pull my gum out too?"

I just sigh and think, Motherhood, ain't it great?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This picture completely displays how I am feeling about my job today. Everyday I spend morning duty in the cafeteria. This duty involves maintaining peace and order to a very chaotic group of mixed 6-8th graders. The students are to sit and wait to go to homeroom or eat breakfast. It shouldn't be that hard to do. Sit and wait to be released to homeroom or eat and then go to homeroom.

But each and every morning I have to deal with discipline problems. Some kids can't sit near each other. Some students have to eat in a designated area because they can't behave with everyone else. All the students are supposed to eat and get to homeroom but try to find ways to socialize.

The rules have been the same since the first day of school. But this group of kids is STILL pushing the limits of respect and authority. I should not have to repeat the same rules I have been saying since August. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to give up because then they win. But I can not continue to start my day in such a stressful situation.

Pulls hair out and wishes to run out the door.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Just for fun!!!

I love the movie "The Princess Bride." When I saw this pic on I laughed right out loud.
If you love this movie, I hope you enjoy this photo too!!!

Where has the innocence gone?

My work as a middle school teacher brings me face to face with the challenges of our young people today. I am rarely surprised by anything I hear or see anymore in reguards to behavior or rather lack of it. It seems that each year the group of kids that comes in is more disrespectful and less disciplined. I still feel I have the same standards for each group but I feel each group is falling short of the standards that I expect.

So what is it that makes the moral standing of these children so poor. Is it the way they are brought up in the home? Is it the TV and movies they watch? Is it the video games they play? Is it that the only institution (school) they are mainly apart of does not demand good behavior?

I now know that sexual activities, assault, drugs, alcohol, vandalism and other forms of illegal activities are going on in MIDDLE schools and most likely in our ELEMENTARY schools as well.

I wish I knew how to make it stop. I wish I knew how to instantly make schools a safe haven. I worry about my own 2nd grader and what he is exposed to in school. How long will he be innocent and pure? How can I protect him and other students like him? How can I help those who have seen and done things they shouldn't have.

I believe I am not the only teacher out there that has these thoughts and worries. I can only do what I can to influence good in the students I come in contact with. I hope I can do enough.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Why, Why,Why????

Why is it that only 5 minutes can make a complete difference?

This morning I was running a little late, well actually I left the house exactly 5 minutes past the time I normally leave. That 5 minutes quickly turned into 8 when I got stuck behind a school bus. Then I hit every single light between here and work, another 8 minutes behind in my schedule. The line to drop off kids was much longer too, so dropping off my son at school took another 3 minutes longer than normal. And it would seem that a little rainfall makes everyone drive atleast 20mph slower than normal.

Although I felt rushed and anxious because 5 minutes turned into 20 minutes or so, I still made it to work on time, still had time to pour some coffee, still had time to start my day in a positive way. So Why did I get bent out of shape about the car in front of me? Why did I get anxious about hitting another red light? And oh dear the drop off line seems so long?

In the whole scheme of things, it was all good. Nothing bad happened because of those 5 minutes. I fretted and worried over nothing. Man I really need to relax and realize that even if I was a few minutes late to work it wouldn't be the end of the world.