Sunday, September 28, 2008

Karate chop

Brandon had his first graduation for karate this weekend. He was SO excited about it. He called his Aunt Diane and Grandmom and invited them to come. Aunt Diane had to work but Grandmom made it to the graduation ceremony. The kids were able to show off some of their skills. The teachers also did some showing off which gets the kids really excited. The owners son then gave a demonstration of some of his skills. He is about 12 or 13 and is a black belt. He used to travel to tournaments all over the US and was actually number 3 in the world in his class. He broke his collar bone pretty badly and that has put a slow down on his travels but he still practices every day. The things that boy can do are just amazing.

Finally the kids were all asked to sit down in order of rank and they started giving out the new belts. When Brandon got his he turned around with his arms in the air like a victor. I am so proud of him!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 10

I had a VERY stressful week and I reallly thought I would either gain some weight or atleast hopefully maintain. I am very happy to say that I lost 1.6 pounds this week!!!! WOOT!!!!

That brings me to a total of 12.6 pounds!!!!!!

YAY ME!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Life's little reminders...

that I have a little boy:

I open the washing machine and find feathers.

I turn on the dryer to hear rocks clanging inside.

I go into the bathroom after his bath to find a puddled floor.

I find his little clothes BESIDE the laundry hamper.

I have a vase full of dried dandelions that he has brought me.

I have a procedure for taking off his tennis shoes so that the sand doesn't cover the entire house.

I have dirty handprints on the wall beside his bedroom door.

I have hugs and kisses every night before bed.

And most of all I have a heart full of love and laughter.

Friday, September 19, 2008

week 9

Well I didn't lose that much this week, only .4 pounds. But it brings me to a total of 11 pounds! WOOT

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Game Night

I had volleyball duty Friday night. My last sports duty that I have to do. (YAY!) I told Brandon Thursday night that we would be going to the game on Friday night. He asked "Can I take a shirt for all the guys to sign?" I told him, "Well, it is volleyball. The players are all girls." He got a smile on his face and said, "EVEN BETTER!!!"

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 8

I was very happy and surprised this week when I stepped on the scale. I had a few days this week that I felt I didn't eat as well as I should. So when I lost 1.6 pounds I was pleasantly surprised.

Total weight loss is now 10.6 pounds.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I hope you will take just a moment today to remember the lives lost on that horrible day in September of 2001. The innocent lives on the 4 planes. The innocent lives in the WTC and the Pentagon. The children that lost mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. The families left with empty plates at the dinner table.

Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never FORGET.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 7

Wow I have been counting points on the weight watchers program for 7 weeks now. I have lost weight for 6 of those weeks and maintained one week. This week I lost 1.0 pounds. :)

That brings me to a total of 9 pounds loss. I still have quite a way to go. But I know I can do it!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

World Map

If you scroll down to the very bottom of my blog, you will find a world map. It is brightly colored and has little purple hearts on it. This map shows me the location of those who stop by to read my blog. I think it is very cool because I have had people from all over the world stop in and read about my silly thoughts and ideas.I find myself thinking about who these people are, well some of them I know, and how in the world did they click on MY blog.

And to these people I would like to say,"Take off your shoes and stay a while. Leave a comment or two. Maybe we will be friends. (And in perfect southern) Hey Y'all!!!"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Busy weekend

First of all, Cousin Melissa (as Brandon now calls her) came home with her new 4 month old Golden Doodle. He is huge and NEVER still. He is a cross between a golden retriever and a standard poodle. He is a pretty cool pup!!

Brandon had a great time with Cousin Melissa and wanted a "cool" picture taken with her. I think he succeeded. :)

This afternoon Brandon worked on his first project of 3rd grade. He had to make a model of an area in a community and tell what type of community you would find it. Here is his paragraph.
"My project is a model of a city park. A city park is in a suburban area. You can play in a sandbox at the park. You can slide at the park. It is a place to play. You can go to the park with your family and your friends. I like to go to the city park because it is fun and joyful."
**Mother beams proudly**

Second Life is cool because....

anything is possible.

Life with Cat and Dog

Here is a common picture around our house right now. If Grayson even looks at the water bowl, Bobba puts up the "Bobba Barrier" to protect her food dish. Bobba is very good at this and I am certain that she has an extra sense to know when Grayson is getting too close to the food dish. She can stand guard at the drop of a hat, even if I think she is asleep, she is ready to defend her food. Bobba stands guard and eventually Grayson walks on up and gets all the water he wants.

Life with two pets is never boring.