Tuesday, March 10, 2009

From the classroom

I teach science in the middle school setting to kids with special needs. My first period class is my favorite because I have some of the kids from the self-contained class join in with us. They are able to learn and they LOVE being in a typical classroom. It helps them so much with their self esteem and confidence.

We have been studying evolution, changes over time, and we have to introduce the kids to Darwin. So I showed them a power point presentation about Darwin and we talked about how many people didn't accept anything he said because he did not study science in college. Then we talked about other famous scientist that weren't formally taught in the field of science. I told them that I didn't even go to school to be a science teacher but it is my favorite subject to teach. So they asked me, "You didn't? What did you study to be?"I said, " a musician."

One student threw his hands up and said "Great!!! Show us a magic trick!"