Friday, June 13, 2008


It has been a tense couple of weeks for me. With the end of school, which is always hectic, and with the news that my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. School is finally out (yay). Which left us with the real threat that Mom might have a terrible battle to face.

She had her surgery on June 5th. The doctors seemed to think that everything went well, and that they were able to get all of the cancer out of her body. But we still had to wait a week to find out for sure. Mom was tired but all in all she was recuperating very well. She went back to the doctor and she got the "all clear" that we were hoping for. She will still need to have some radiation treatments. They will be localized and hopefully not too draining on her health with side effects.

With all that said I must say this to all you women out there that read this, few as it may be. Mom's battle was short and victorious. But it was all due to early detection. In the past, she has found lumps in her breast that have all be benign. We figured this one would be too. But no it was cancer. Go get your check ups. Have your mammograms done. Be proactive.

Find someone that is active in Relay for Life. Donate money or time. Become active in educating others that cancer can be beaten.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Brandon had a cavity when we went for our cleaning last week. So we had an appointment today to get that filled. Ever since the last visit I have gotten a million questions about what the dentist was going to do today. I do believe he is a worry wart.

This morning he got up and the first thing out of his mouth was, "Is it going to hurt when the dentist fixes my tooth?"

I tried to keep his mind off of it until we were able to get in the car and leave. I told him to bring a book to read and that kept him occupied for a bit. When we got in the office, he went straight up to the desk and started with his questions. The receptionists just smiled and tried to answer as many as possible. The most asked questions were these: "Will it hurt? Is it going to be numb? Will I feel it? Will it take long? Am I going to bleed?"

So they call us back. The questions started again. "What are you going to do to me? Why do I have to sit over here? Are you going give me a shot? What is that? Does it hurt? What does that do? Why do you want to hurt me? How long will this take? I don't like that blue light. I don't want to be numb."

The nurse was great. She smiled and explained it all in between giggles. He asked her, "Did you ever have to do this? Did it hurt you? Did you cry?" On and on the questions went.

Then enters Dr. David. All the same questions popped up again. He answered them gently and thoroughly. Each time he reached for a new tool Brandon would pop up out of the seat. "What is that for?" Each time Dr. David would gently get him back in the seat and explain what was going on. If he didn't explain and just started using a new tool, Brandon would scream "oooowwwww" and try to sit back up. But Dr.David was quick and would save the day with an explanation or a quick tool change.

As I watched Brandon, I got so tickled. I wish I had a video camera to capture the moment. His right arm was stiff and in the air with his hand in the form of what looked to be the claw of the crypt keeper. Both his legs were straight out and his toes in the most perfect ballet point ever. Poor little soul was just tormented by the dentist.

All in all this scene lasted only about 20 minutes. Although to Brandon, it probably seemed like a lifetime.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Beginning of Summer

Summer is off to a scorching start in Georgia. It is only the beginning of June and we already are reaching temperatures in the high 90's. So what have we done about the heat? Well like every summer we try to beat it or stay out of it.

We have started our summer schedule. I hope not only will this help keep Brandon busy but it will also help me get in a little better shape.

Monday is Library day. The local public libraries around here always have a summer reading program. Every Monday they have a guest speaker and usually it is a fun time. Brandon has discovered Star Wars novels and Comic Books. Brandon will also be starting Karate lessons on Monday nights. :)

Tuesday is Skating day. We can go skating from 10 to 2. It is usually fun and not that expensive. Plus a great way to stay in shape.

Wednesday is pool day. Our town has a great community pool. We can swim all day for a buck fifty. Can't beat those prices and it is a great place for Brandon to meet new friends and just have a great time.

Thursday is movie day. Our theater has a free showing of a movie every Tuesday and Thursday morning. The kids can buy popcorn and a drink for 2 bucks. Then if we feel like it we can go swimming again.

Friday is go to an interesting place day. Georgia has a lot to offer in State Parks. We can also go to some really great places that are completely free but have great hiking trails and wonderful places for a pic nic lunch.

Summer is busy but fun!!! Come hang out with us! :)