Monday, March 31, 2008

It Begins

itchy eyes
scratchy throat
burning eyes
dark circles under eyes
runny nose
yellow cars
yellow streets
yellow houses

Friday, March 28, 2008

Speak my Language

Brandon realizes that some people speak different languages and is very interested in other languages, even sign language. We were camping last year at Manatee Springs, Florida last year. A french family was also enjoying the wonderful campsite there. As we walked down the pier, I noticed Brandon's fascination with this family that looked like us but spoke something so very foreign. Before, everyone that spoke a different language looked different than we do. So his interest was peaked.

He stood listening to the group of people for a long time. Finally, the mother of the family looked at Brandon and smiled. To Brandon this equals cue to speak. He opened his mouth and spewed out jibberish and noises. The lady smiled and just turned away back to her family.

Brandon, a little dazed and confused, walked over to me and said, "Mom, what did I say to her?"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Favorite Stories

Having a son like mine, life is very vibrant and full of interesting situations. You see Brandon thinks that everyone should know him and he should in turn know them as well. He is fully aware that people are individuals and he wants to know and understand all the reasons why people are different. So, in light of all that, anytime we are around new people and experiencing new things, Brandon is full of questions.

One day I was at the doctor's office. I was paying my bill and the only other people in the waiting room was Brandon and a gentleman with an eye patch. I could see that Brandon was trying to figure this man and his eye patch out. I was hoping the lady behind the counter would hurry. But she didn't and before I knew it the questions started to fly.

First it was just a quick hello. Now that Brandon knew the guy would talk to him, he was open game.

He looked over at the man and said, "say ARRRRRRGGGGGGG."

The guy said "no." He giggled a little.

Then the questions rolled off Brandon's tongue like water off a duck's back.

"Are you a pirate? Do you live on a ship? Does your ship have black sails? Do you have a sword? Do you have a parrot? Is your mom a pirate? Where is your eye? Are you a skeleton at night? Do you have a pistol? Do you have a treasure chest? Can I see your gold?"

I had no idea that my 5 year old (at that time) knew so much about pirates. The man could hardly answer one question before the next one was answered. Luckily he was amused by the questions and tried to answer as much as he could between giggles.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another one down!!!

Last night we went to Taco Bell with my Mom and Dad. Brandon has had one of his top front teeth dangling in his head for about two weeks now. My dad saw it and said that really needs to come out. It is ready.

Well Brandon went right back to the "knocking my teeth out" act that he has done before. He started getting upset and saying "why do you want to knock my teeth out in a resturant." We did convince him to try wiggling the tooth a little more. Finally we just gave up since he was half hearted in trying to twist and pull on the tooth. He is a wonderful actor but we knew it was useless and gave up.

So we get in the car and I happen to notice the book store in the same parking lot with Taco Bell. I told Brandon "look there is the book store, if your tooth is out by the time we drive by it I will get you a magazine." I backed out and looked in the rear mirror. I saw two twists and a tooth headed my way. LOL I asked, "Did that hurt?" "No Mom," he replied. "Well what was all that nonsense about in Taco Bell?" He replies, "Hmmmmm, not sure."

He bought a Star Wars magazine. WOOT!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The other day my son and I were having a meager meal of little smokies with bbq sauce and rice. Brandon looks at me and says "Mom, you should go on a cooking show."

In my mind I am thinking great now even my son is a critic of my cooking skills. So I say, "You think so?"

He replies "Yeah, this stuff is great, I am sure you could win the challenge!" I was amazed. He was giving me a compliment and I didn't even realize it. It also reminds me that we all have our own perceptions of what people say to us. We should clarify before we get angry or hurt. What we take as an insult may actually be a compliment.

Have a great Day!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

OK What gives

My brother married into a very well-to-do family. He has a nice house, a good job, 3 beautiful children and a wife that is a up and coming photographer with her own studio. Things are really good for them and I am proud of my brother and his family.

But I HATE going to events at his house. I went to the "twins" 2nd birthday party this weekend. We call them twins but they are actually 3 months apart, yes one is adopted. Now if it was only family members at the parties that would be great but no, other families are invited too. Now most of these families are also we-to-do and like my sister-in-law come from old family money. These people are OBSESSED with manners and social procedures. Me on the other hand am a good ole country girl that is polite and simple in my way of life.

I find these get togethers to be so frustrating. Here I am with my wonderful little boy, really no different than these other people, other than bank accounts, but NO ONE will acknowledge me. I even had one mom turn and walk away from me when I asked her a question at the party. I was pissed. Here they are so obsessed with manners and outward appearances that when the time comes to actually be polite and friendly they snub their noses at it.

I tell you right now if it weren't for the love of my brother and his kids, and the love that Brandon has for his cousins, I would never again go to another function at their house.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rabies Day!!!!

Ok, you know you live in a small town when everyone gets in a buzz about "Rabies Day"!

Now before you freak out, Rabies Day is one day a year when our local vet goes to the feed store and dedicates the entire afternoon to giving out rabies shots to dogs and cats. Well in a town as small as ours that means not only will our pets get shots but we can support the local 4-H club, buy Girl Scout cookies, stick around to buy a hamburger or hotdog for the local High School Rodeo Assoc. or just stand around and adore everyone's pets.

Later after everyone has had lunch and a coke, there is a dog show. Yes one of those with mutts. If I wasn't going to a birthday party this afternoon for my niece and nephew, Bobba would be entered. The contest is on beauty, manners, and of course the best costume!!!

Ahhhhh, small towns!! You gotta love them!!!

Let's hear it for Rabies Day!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Another milestone, sort of

Last Friday I got a call from the school's after school care director. I knew, from experience, that either Brandon was hurt or in trouble. More often than not, he is in trouble. Friday was no exception. The director said, I have some bad news. I am going to have to dismiss Brandon today. I don't want to but those are the rules. I assured her that I understood the rules and I know that it was nothing personal to Brandon or me, after all we have been in this situation before.

The rules are; if you get written up for bad behavior 3 times then you get dismissed. Now when Brandon was in Kindergarten it happened very quickly and we took him back to the day care center that he went to K4 and he was fine there. I was thinking this year we might make it the whole year, but with only 10 weeks left he placed the final straw on the camel's back and now he is back at that same daycare.

Each of his 3 write ups were for completely different things. The first was climbing the walls in the bathroom. Second, (the guys always love this one) he pulled a little girl's skirt up and showed the class her panties, then finally last Friday playing musical chairs, another kid slapped Brandon's hand and in return Brandon slapped the other kid. None of these things should have been done by Brandon and he got in trouble for each of them. But at the same time, I guess it is the teacher in me, I am glad to see that he isn't showing a pattern of violence or hateful offences.

Not knowing all of his past (he is adopted at age 4) I sometimes worry about what might be lurking in his little mind. I wonder what kinds of things did he experience, hear, see, feel when he didn't have a nurturing Mom to watch over him. I wonder will those things show up in the future just out of the blue. I guess every mom has thoughts of the future and wonders am I doing the right thing, am I watching out for my child in the best way I can, and I wonder if when or if something does happen will I be able to recognize the signs to intervene.

Although those thoughts pass through my mind often, I also remind myself that Brandon is a caring, considerate young man. He is well liked by his peers and I have yet to come across someone that Brandon doesn't like. He loves people. He loves to recognize their differences. He is never afraid to make a new friend, and often doesn't realize that there are people in the world that don't know who he is. After all he IS going to be president of the United States one day (a claim that he has made since he was 4).

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Martini in the Morning

I was introduced to by Dan and I LOVE it. I have enjoyed listening to the old jazz classics. This music calms me and keeps me in an even mood. I have enjoyed revisiting some of the most wonderful songs ever written and have even learned new songs.

I love the voices of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Louis Armstrong, and this list goes on and on. I have also been introduced to the newer artists like Michael Buble, Steve Tyrell. I have also been surprised to hear Smokey Robinson, Rod Stewart, Billy Joel and other artist that have made albums of this great music.

I listen to it every chance I can. I even stream it at school. My students protested at first but I have noticed and caught them singing along as well. They really enjoy it now too.

I feel like I am writing a testimony about the station but I really just wanted Dan to know how much I enjoy the music and to thank him for reminding me just how much I enjoy it and bringing it back into my life! :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

I did it

Well I did it. I went and got my hair cut. I am not sure how many inches were cut off but I know it was less than 10 inches because I didn't have enough to donate and still have enough hair left on my head.

I decided to go to the hairdresser in Milner. Now she has a reputation for being a horrible hairdresser but I thought with such a simple cut it would be ok. I was WRONG. I doubt there are two hairs on my head that are the same length. So I will have to go get it trimmed up and fixed. UUUGGGHHHH.

Luckily I have curly hair so you can't tell it right off, but I know so it bugs me. I will post a picture after I get it revamped and straightened out.

Other than the unevenness of it, I love it. My curls bounce up and my head doesn't look so small.

A change can be a good thing!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

need a new look

I feel like I need a new look. I know I know guys love long hair, but I am thinking of cutting my hair. It grows really fast and this long hair causes headaches and generally is a pain in the butt. It makes it hard to roll over at night, gets caught in everything, clogs up my sink. Basically it is wild and out of control right now.

What do you think? any ideas on hairstyles for curly hair? I need help!!!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Things about me....

Ok as a response to Sandy(ee)'s blog, here, I will share a few things about myself.

1. Ok I will start with what is probably the most embarassing, I love the group ABBA.

2. I am a certified medical mutant. I have a hereditary disorder that does not appear in any family members. The Dr's say that I mutated when I had a really bad infection.

3. I can play every wind instrument and have played for two differnt presidents. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

4. I spent my entire Sophomore year in High School trying to get caught cheating. A friend of mine and I tried to see how many ways we could cheat and not get caught. We were either really good or had REALLY bad teachers.

5. My first job was for Del Taco.

I tag who ever reads this. (I know I don't have many readers.)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How funny!

You Are An INTP
The ThinkerYou are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.In love, you are an easy person to fall for. But not an easy person to stay in love with.Although you are quite flexible, you often come off as aloof or argumentative.At work, you are both a logical and creative thinker. You are great at solving problems.You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.How you see yourself: Creative, fair, and tough-mindedWhen other people don't get you, they see you as: arrogant, cold, and robotic

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Morning Drive

My morning drive in to work is usually quiet and peaceful as well as noneventful. Well unless I have trucks or mustangs irritating me(see yesterday's blog). This morning my usually quiet in the morning 8 year old heard a tornado watch issued. Brandon is almost to the point of being obsessed with tornados. He is also under the impression that a tornado watch is an event.

My morning dialogue:

Radio: There is a tornado watch until 9:00am in a list of counties.

Brandon: Mom can we be late to school today?

Me: Why would we want to be late?

Brandon: So we can go to the tornado watch, it is only until 9.

Me: Brandon a tornado watch means that the weather might produce a tornado.

Brandon: I know, so can we go watch it do it?

Me: no, We have no way of knowing where it will be.

Brandon: They said where on the radio.

Me: Brandon we are going to school on time.

Brandon: Why does the hot air and cold air fight anyway? Can't we go talk to it and make it nice?

Me: No Brandon weather doesn't listen to us.

Brandon: Are you sure we can't go to the tornado watch? It might be fun.

That is just a sample. It went on and on until we pulled up to the school. "Awwwww Mom I wanted to see the tornado."

Monday, March 3, 2008

What's the point of.....

having a muscle car like this mustang here if you are going to drive 30mph all the frigging time?

Ok, everyday I drive 35 miles to work. It is a beautiful drive and I really don't mind driving that far to work when I get to look at the beautiful scenery. The drive is mostly on two lane highway and through farm land and open fields. But there is the odd morning when I get stuck behind one of my pet peeves. The first being related to the pic above. I mean I drive a Corolla, not the fastest car on the market, but when I get behind a muscle car I don't expect to go 20mph below the limit. It drives me crazy! Why buy a car that can go 0-60 in like 4 seconds and drive like a little old lady on her way to church?

My other pet peeve is getting stuck behind a 18 wheeler. It usually isn't a bad thing. But once again everyonce in a while I get stuck behind the trucker who wants to go 45 in a 55 limit area. Then to add insult to injury, when we do get to the passing lane the idiot driving the truck speeds up to 345mph then slows back down to 45 when you can't pass again.

I just really wonder why people would drive on MY road anyway! LOL