Friday, July 25, 2008

First Official Weigh In

I am not going to the regular meetings at Weightwatchers, so I am trying to do things as much like they do it at home. I started counting points last Friday. It has been a week and is now time for my official Weigh in.

And the results are......

In my first week I was able to drop 3.8 pounds!!!!

YAY ME!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No more foolin around

After seeing myself in pictures taken on my vacation, I decided I had to get serious about what I eat. So I started counting points again. For those of you familiar with Weight Watchers, you know exactly what I mean. I started on Friday of last week and I have been religiously counting points and writing them down in my log. I have kept up with everything.

There is just one problem. I tend to go over board a bit. I find the foods with the least points and the most flavor and I make them my target. That sounds wonderful doesn't it. The problem lies in this, I can't eat that much food. I put myself on this diet then I choose foods that are really good for me, but getting them to add up to 22 points right now is almost torture some days. I am sure I will get through it.

I haven't even made it through the first week yet and I have already lost 2 pounds. Yay me!! So hopefully the next time you see me there will be less of me to see. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip Story Number One

The first place we went to after leaving Union Station was the Capitol Building. It was only a few blocks away and Brandon was already at his top excitement levels. As we got closer to the Capitol we noticed more and more security and police officers. When we made it there, the Capitol was surrounded with chains and fences. I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to get close or not. Brandon noticed that we were concerned about how far we could go up the steps. He looked up at me and said, "ok Ma."

He looked around at the police officers, there were probably about 6. Brandon throws his arms up with his hands in the air. He yells out, "Sirs, Policemen, Sirs, We are not here to do any harm. We just want to go up the stairs. Is that ok?"

The police officers laughed and told him that it would be fine for us to walk up the stairs to the chains. Brandon thanked them and we went up the stairs for a few pictures.

Photo Commentary by Brandon

Here are some of the funny things Brandon said about our pics from the trip.

"Ma (as my name has been shortened) We don't EVEN have to wear a seat belt on a train!!!"
"and we didn't even get shot. Cool huh?"

"She rode the elevator before, so we were safe."

"That isn't really him. He's dead and not that big."
"They should have let the animals live. It made me sad."

"That is me with a dead guy. He died a long time ago."