Friday, May 30, 2008

pet peeves

Oh come on, we all have pet peeves. Just sometimes I get to wondering why it bugs me so much. Like this one. There is a lady I know that everytime I see her she will ask, "How is Amy doing?" Each time I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "Amy who."

I have no idea why it bugs me so bad. I don't even want to talk to her because she refers to me as some entity that isn't right in front of her face. How hard is it to say, " How are you?"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Why is it that the day AFTER you get everything cleaned up in the house is the day that 15 minutes looking for your CAR KEYS????????

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones

I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie today. I couldn't wait for it to come out, and I wasn't disappointed. All the major factors were there: Harrison Ford,action, mystery, fedora, Harrison Ford,treason, whip, romance, Harrison Ford, enemies, plot twists, chases on cliffs and did I mention, Harrison Ford.

I think he is the perfect Indiana although he wasn't the first choice for the roll. Another favorite of mine, Tom Selleck, was the preferred actor, but he had just taken on Magnum PI. He passed on the Indiana part. Even though I adore Tom I am not sure the Indiana Jones movies would have been as popular and successful with him in the lead role.

Harrison Ford really brought Indiana to life. Indiana is the perfect non-super power hero. He has so much courage and integrity, but at the same time he is so flawed. Even in his (sorry Harrison) older age, he still comes across as a sexy, strong, intelligent, lovable character.

There were little things that I enjoyed seeing were still part of the Indiana Jones traditions. The beginning of the movie started out with the Paramount symbol that went right into the movie. If you are a big fan, you will understand what I mean with that. I didn't catch a Star Wars reference but I am sure it was there. When I get the movie on DVD, I am sure I will find that as well.

Anyway I LOVED the movie, and recommend that you go see it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Life's curves

You know, I always feel that life is a journey. Many times I would love to have one of those journeys like you take on I-20 out of Atlanta to Texas. It is a straight shot. You know exactly where you are going and how far it is because the road is straight and stretched out before you. Although that can be nice at times, my most memorable trips are those that I have to guess what is around the next corner. I am constantly amazed, scared, or happy about what I see around the bend.

My life lately has been full of turns and crooks. Sharp turns with low visibility like I am driving in a fog. Work has been stressful, almost unbearable, and one of my biggest hurdles for the past 3 weeks or so. Home hasn't been a piece of cake either, although it has been the happiest place for Brandon and me for quite sometime now.

As I was working late last night on one of those curves in the fog, I received a call that seemed like an abrupt dead end without a warning sign. My mom had a biopsy done on Tuesday. The doctor seemed to think everything was fine, but when we got the results yesterday the 15% chance turned to a 100% chance of Cancer. I feel now like I am driving on an old road with no lines, rain and fog. The doctor thinks it is in the very early stages and that the cancer is completely beatable. But he also thought on Tuesday that it was just a calcium deposit.

I am scared. Not really for myself, but for my Mom and Dad. I want to be the support they need. But right now my road already seems so crooked and foggy. I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle and that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. But why is it that in these times of trials, we feel so weak.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Might have been....

This time every year I get into a "what might have been" little moment. I teach life science to 7th graders and this is the time of year that we do the reproductive system. The kids call it "sex ed." We have little models of the development of the human fetus. The kids love to see the different stages of how they actually looked and how quickly we go from some time of alien looking creature to a sweet little baby. They are constantly amazed at how tiny they were and how quickly they grew.

So how does that get me in the "might have been's?" I have been through quite a few miscarriages. There is one model that is actual size of the stage of development that most of my children made it to. So I find myself thinking about how things would be different if these little creatures had actually been able to grow and develop like they should have. Were they girls? Were they boys? What would they look like and how would they behave? All just speculation because it wasn't meant to be.

I don't really wish that my life was any different. I can't imagine what my nerves would be like with 5 or 6 kids and I can NOT imagine life without my adopted son. But sometimes the "What if's" and the "could have been's" enter my mind. And I realize I have everything I need and most things I want. Life is good. Life is happy. And I wouldn't change anything because if I could change it I would not be the person I am right now. And I like that person.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


One of our favorite activities is going to the GA High School Rodeo Association rodeos. Saturday was the final rodeo of the regular season so we drove over to Forsyth to watch the show. They always start out with a tribute to the troops and the American flag. Followed by a prayer and the singing of the National Anthem by one of the high school kids. The picture above was taken just before the anthem was sung. Brandon took his hat off and put it across his chest on his own and he was shocked that other kids weren't doing the same. And I was shocked that the kids parents didn't remind them.

After the opening ceremonies, the true events start. We didn't know any of the kids that were riding but it didn't matter anyway. We cheered for them all. They compete in every thing from bull riding to barrel racing. Brandon always enjoys the clown and like always made friends with him. He will tell you that the clown's name is really John. We stayed for the whole show, right down to the bull riders which always go last. Two fellas even made it to the 8 second buzzer.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Human nature?

Ok many of you might laugh at what I am about to blog about, and that is ok. I know that if you are laughing then you most likely have done the exact same thing so you know what I mean. Others may just laugh because it is simply silly. That is ok too.

A few mornings ago I got up a little late and had to rush around to get ready for work. In my hurriedness I put my panties on inside out. Now that isn't really a bad thing nor is it uncommon. (Men I know it would be for you, but panties are different.) But what I found to be interesting is the reaction I had when I noticed that my panties were on inside out. I went to the bathroom a few times at school but did not notice. I noticed once I got home.

My reaction? Well I was embarrassed. Now why in the world would I be embarrassed over something that NO ONE else could see or even know about (well until I blogged about it). My face even turned red because I had my panties on inside out. Then it turned to giggles because I recognized the absurdness of my embarrassment. It wasn't like I had been to the Dr., been in an accident, or any other reason our mothers always told us to wear clean underwear. And besides, mine were clean, just inside out.

I dunno, maybe I am just weird. LOL

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

allergies ~ACK~

Tis the wonderful time for my allergies to go bonkers. The wonderful pine pollen of Ga has never really bothered me that much, maybe a sneeze or two when I go outside. It is the privet hedge that has me in a tizzy right now. My nose is red and raw from sneezing and blowing. My eyes are as red as a drug addicts. I am coughing like a smoker. Wheezing as I go, fighting for a breath of good oxygen. My voice is leaving me and I basically feel like crap.

Last night, I was feeling horrible. Needing sleep more than ever, since sleeping with a cough is nearly impossible. Brandon went up to see Grandmom. He says to Grandmom, "I think I will stay up here for a while Grandmom. Mom needs to get control of her sickness." Sounds like I am an alcoholic, druggie or something like that. Hopefully it will be over soon and I can get back to normal, well semi-normal life. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

really sick...

Brandon: Mom I was really sick this weekend

Mom: You were? what was wrong?

Brandon: I had a really high fever.

Mom: You did? How high was it?

Brandon: It was 180 degrees.

Mom: wow that is really high, but you would be dead if it got that high.

Brandon: well ok, it was 140 then.

Old Movies

I came across a copy of Raising Arizona the other day at Wal Mart. I snatched it up and couldn't wait to revisit this old comedy. I had forgotten how funny that movie is. I found myself laughing out loud and rewinding certain scenes so I could laugh again.

Take some time and revisit and old movie from your past. You might be surprised at how much you will laugh.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Money or Trust

I read another blog that presents the question: Would you rather have a partner with money or a partner you can trust.

There is no question, Trust is much more important than money could ever be. Without trust money is useless. Without trust all faith is lost. Without trust a relationship can never take place.

Trust is gained through experiences. It is hard to trust someone that you have never met before, that you don't know anything about. Experiences with someone builds trust with them. Yet, all that trust can disappear with only one lie. But in my experience, one lie leads to more lies. Each lie revealed opens another painful wound. Wounds that may never heal all the way.

All I can hope now is that I will find the faith to trust others, and believe that tomorrow will bring a better day.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

another funny

Brandon and I stopped at a Roses store on the way home from school the other day. It is kind of like a Big Lots kind of store, sometimes you can find some really good buys there. I was browsing through the clothes after finding a Star Wars t-shirt for Brandon. He would ask me, "Mom do you like this?" I either did or didn't and we would move on to the next rack.

"Hey, Mom, well nevermind."

"What is it?"

"Well, I was going to show you this but it is 'Grandmom Clothes.' You won't like them."

"Oh, well what makes them Grandmom Clothes?"

"Well, see they have flowers all over the pants and stuff."

I actually did think the outfit was cute, but wasn't about to buy Grandmom Clothes!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Student views

I had a writing assignment for my students yesterday. It was a persuasive letter to the principal. It was to give the administration ideas or suggestions on how to improve student behavior. Most of my students wrote about things like being able to drink soda's,getting snacks and other things that seventh graders think are important.But I had one student that had a really good idea. Her idea was this: if a student gets suspended or is in in school suspension during the school year, then that student should have to come to a mandatory summer school where anger management and social skills would be taught.

I thought "wow that is a really good suggestion." I have planned to talk to the principal about the suggestion and thought it would be good to let the student meet with her as well. Who knows, maybe she will start a new trend in discipline.

Sweet Innocence

I had to go to Wal-Mart, again, to get some toilet paper, mascara and stuff like that. When we got home, Brandon noticed the make-up that I had purchased.

"Mom, why do buy make-up?"

"Well I suppose, I just like to make myself look nice when I go out."

"Mom, I guess it is a girl thing."

"Yeah I suppose so."

"But girls are pretty even when they don't wear make-up. You are too, Mom."

He is only eight. I find his sincerity, honesty, and innocence to be so endearing. I hope and pray that he will keep these qualities throughout his life. When I look at him, I see how loving and caring he is. Like a big ole heart with arms, legs, and a smile.

I love you Brandon!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Classic Jazz Lives on!

Yesterday I bought a Michael Buble CD. I was excited to hear it and finally have it in my car for my drives back and forth to work. So I got the CD out and promptly put it in my player. The song “Fever” started playing and I heard some snapping in the back seat. I looked back and Brandon was snapping and swaying with the music. He says “Mom, What is this music? I like this, it has….rhythm.”

It was the first thing he asked for in the car on the way to school today. The start of a new “Rat Pack” maybe?